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I.C.G.C Multi-Purpose Hall

This pavilion marks the location as a destination and a hub of a multivalent programming. The programme oscillates between educational meeting, conferences and sporting meetings.


The geometry of the pavilion expresses its programmatic intentions of the brief a gentle covering over 2800 m.sq without internal columns. The wings of the pavilion open up like fins to receive natural ventilation from the South west and northeast at various times of the year.


The structure is essentially composed of "steel pipe rib-cage system" on concrete bases. The metal skin is subsequently gently stretched over the structure to mark the skyline and serve as an iconic symbol of the Central University Campus.

Project Data

Location: Miotso

Category: Educational

Start Date: May 2009

Area: 2864 m sq

Cost: N/A

Client: I.C.G.C

Architect: PREDIOS


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